Thursday, June 30, 2011

30 Days Makes One a Poet?

It's no surprise that I can do this
It just takes a sec to get down to it
Think of something and then expound
Upon the rabble that has me bound.

Sometimes it's sad or melancholic
It doesn't matter I want to make this a talent
Writing out what's got me down
All so I can turn my frown around.

There's Shakespeare, Ibsen and
Chekhov - just a few who make me
Glad I have been introduced to
Their genius - poetry in motion

Upon the stage of humanity's hearts and
Minds - a play to play out what had
Them trapped and then unwrapped
A tippity-tap across the stage of our emotions.

Then there's the more conventional in form;
My boys: Stephen Berg, Billy Collins,
and Pablo Neruda - all turning words and
Hearts alike with imagery, thank God, that isn't trite.

I have 335 more days and poems to write.
Does 30 days of scribing make one a poet?
Or is this just a fancy of flight - one where
Dr. Suess shows up and says, "This isn't quite right."

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