Friday, June 17, 2011

17 Days In...

It feels like a year has occurred in 17 days!
Who knew trying to be poetic
Would be soooooooo hard like the enamel
That used to be on my teeth before I discovered
Coffee, tea, wine and soda.

These addictive beverages captured me;
Why hasn't my muse as of late?
I don't want to be worn down, left without
Protection on my choppers to create!

There was a time when I could spit a rhyme
Doing it while thinking nothing and on a dime.

If it could be that easy again and make an indent
Then I would feel vindicated and not pay rent
To the negative thoughts that take up residence
In my brain matter as squatters using violence
To get my attention to keep moving on -
Say something, write something - another thought GONE!

Dr. Seuss how'd you do it?
Your "Green Eggs and Ham"
have me quite hungry
Fiending for Spam -
A cheap amalgamation of protein to feed
The Beast of Creativity so I don't bleed
To death from being cut at an artery
Losing too much hot blood of ingenuity...

Swimming in a pool of red are similes, galore -
Drowning like Ophelia unloved - so sad, I do abhor!

Must pull it together - find something to say -
I guess it doesn't matter since no one has to pay!


  1. Thought I would encourage your daily tradition
    With a few lyrics of my own volition
    Methinks these poems be something delicious
    A good challenge; hope you don't think your words maleficent

    In fact, it's inspiring
    me to pick a pen of my liking
    to express, not repress, no fear of success
    and become something of a Word Viking.

    So please, keep up the good work
    Your endeavor to create daily musings of worth
    have a greater impact than you thought at first

    Truly JoLynn, you have a good talent here
    so push on, even if you stumble, without fear.

  2. I LOVE IT, MJB!!! Brilliant! Now you need your own blog to get writing with me! You're only 17 days behind. YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!!
