Saturday, June 11, 2011

East Foothills

Sitting in my bedroom
Staring out the window
The Foothills stare back.

Something about their height
Looming above the gray clouds that
Loomed above my heart, felt safe and comforting.

I am homesick for this sight -
The mountains held me safely in their basin where
I floated on my back staring up at their grandeur.

Anywhere I looked they were there
Surrounding me loosely enveloping all I loved
Even the memories I shouted to them to forget.

I can't get over their immovable strength
The only thing that moved them was my faith
To leave them...

I have put my hand to the snowplow and
Have looked back... does this mean I am
Not fit to return to the Foothill's protecting shadow?


  1. You are most certainly fit Jo. That's the beauty of HOME, it always welcomes you back!

    Sending you love,

  2. Ya missin' home, eh? Is this the mountain idea I gave you? If so, woohoo!

