Monday, June 20, 2011

Burning Up...

I've often thought and said,
"Oh, it doesn't matter what happens
to my things. They are just things.
Besides you can't take them with you
When you die."

But when it does happen what do you do?
Freak. Out. Period. End of Story.

This is what happened the other day.
Had an incredible flying high kind of day and then
I got knocked outta the sky by a fire...
One that consumed not my belongings but
My spirit.

I know I need to keep going even when the
Flames are licking my heels, but after a while
You get so weary from fighting the blaze,
Often alone because others are afraid to approach and be
Good Samaritans - I guess because of that new law that
Doesn't protect them - so who would do a good deed,
If they thought they'd get burned?

Thankfully, I have friends, who do not mind getting
Close to the glowing embers of my pain and help in
Extinguishing it until the next blaze tries to engulf me.

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