Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fine Bone China*

How is it that once upon my
Teenage dreary I could
Scream and cry and be all teary
About one boy, having said,
"I could never live without him."

I have.
I did.
I am broken because of this
Profession of faith in a boy...
So many - who grew to be
Men - who never grew in love 
With me who I couldn't see
Myself or my way out of love
With their cold indifference and
Blatant disregard for the meal
I served up so elegantly on 
The silver platter of my
Fine bone China heart.

Why must we get broken down
into ash to be added to clay that is then
Thrown onto a wheel and spun 
Round and round just to make
A plate worthy to be used -
Used to selflessly serve or 
a cup to be filled and poured out 
always for someone else who is clumsy and
Invariably drops and shatters us?

These ravenous men were always 
more concerned with
What was being served on the china 
Than the china itself - some would
Beg to differ and some did beg for
The delicacies of femininity that
Should have been hidden in the
China cabinet, safe under lock and key.

It takes earth, wind, fire and water to 
Make fine bone china... it only takes
One careless, aloof, heartless man-child to 
Find the key hidden conspicuously,
Steal into the cabinet and break it all to pieces.

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