Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fireflies - Lightning Bugs

Never sure what to call them
But they call to me every June
When they rise out of their grassy tombs
Bleating their abdominal lights to their
Own tunes...

Their miniature incandescence beckons me
like the male of its species and
I am taken unaware by the mosquitoes that
Devour my flesh as I become hypnotized
by the whimsy that is their simple twinkling beauty
while chasing these magical insects through fields -
All the while the female firefly seduces and
Devours her mate - no longer singing,
"You light up my life,
You make me whole..."
"You light up my life,
You make me FULL... " to carry on
Our brilliant species...

Never sure what to call them,
but they call to me and their male counterparts:
One to death, the other to reliving
Sweet memories.

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