Thursday, November 3, 2011

Puppy Love

He's kind of adorable and
Really gross in his ways
Licking himself all day
But ridiculously cute on
His back - feet curled like
A gay man's wrists - all
Four feet - looking like a
Fox - those puppy dog
Eyes make me late for work
Everyday since we've had him!
He's good with all sizes and
Cries to be with someone too -
Me, you, anyone will do!
Only makes a fuss when he's
Excited or taking down his
Favorite blue-plaid slipper or
The inners of toilet paper roll -
He's useless for defending us
Cuz he's too cute for his own good...
If we were to be robbed, I think the
Burglars would stop and abscond
Away with him - this pee and poop
Machine, who cuddles, whines, and
Demands food, walks, treats and
Attention at all hours of the day has
Stolen everyones' hearts that comes
In contact with him - God knew that
Most folks would be powerless in his
Presence... we are whipped by the
Puppy of loveableness! GROSS!

1 comment:

  1. Right?? I sometimes wonder if HG Pooyak will be a hinderance to the new life God is opening before me. Afterall, I love her but not more than another.
